New Patient Info
New Patient Checklist
Here are some things you may need to know about BlueWater Physiotherapy’s policies and your practitioner:

Jeff Harvie is a Physical Therapist, also known as a Physiotherapist, and is licensed by the College of Physiotherapists of Alberta (License #3512) to practice Physical Therapy and use these titles.
The Jeff Harvie Physical Therapist Corporation is licensed in BC and Alberta and does business as BlueWater Physiotherapy.

What to Wear
Clothing that is loose and comfortable is best in order to allow movement of arms and legs for examination and treatment.
The most difficult clothes to work around are jeans, belts, garments with hoods, and turtlenecks.
Jewelry such as necklaces and watches are inevitably in the way, and crystals are occasionally problematic with energy work. Please be prepared to remove them if needed.

Cancellations and Missed Appointments
You are welcome to cancel an appointment at anytime. Please give as much notice as you possibly can, so that someone else may have an opportunity to use that spot.
If you cancel with less than 24 hours notice we will do our best to fill that spot, but you may be charged for the full cost of that session.
If you completely miss an appointment you will be charged for the cost of that session, and you will need to make arrangements for payment before you will be allowed further booking privileges.

Other People in The Room
You are welcome to bring a family member or friend into the treatment room with you. It can be nice to have another person hear instructions for homework and exercises, witness your healing, or help you to feel safe and comfortable.
Minors (under the age of 18) are required to have a parent or guardian present in order to give permission for treatment. “Competent minors” after initial sessions may give their own consent and may attend without a parent or guardian if needed.

Allergy Alert
Please do not wear scented products to your therapy sessions. I am sensitive to perfumes, smoke, and some body lotions, as are many clients.
* Note: There is a friendly Black Labrador Retriever that is often in the therapy room with us – usually snoring. Please notify me if this is a potential issue for you and we will ensure that the dog is not in the treatment room on the day of your visit.

Privacy and Confidentiality
We carefully safeguard your rights to privacy and confidentiality. Everything related to your care is kept in strict confidence.
It may be necessary at times to communicate with other Professionals involved in your care, such as your doctor, a lawyer, or another practitioner who you are working with. This information exchange is for your benefit. Should this need arise we will seek your written (preferable) or verbal permission to share or obtain relevant health information. You may revoke this permission at any time.
If you have concerns about how any information related to your care is managed please feel free to discuss this with us.
You can obtain a copy of your file with a written request. A reasonable copying fee will apply.
Experience unparalleled physical therapy under the expert guidance of Jeff Harvie, a licensed Physical Therapist, in an environment that prioritizes your comfort, safety, and privacy at BlueWater Physiotherapy. Prepare for your visit by dressing comfortably and respecting our allergy alerts – for your benefit and the benefit of others.